How are you, worldwide and not so worldwide pookies? Turns out that I came back AGAIN, this time from less time-intensive business travels, which only served the humble purpose of feeding you, lovely pookybears, with valuable pop-cultural wisdom.
But first, some highly demanded additions to my post on 80s cruelty. Apparently I forgot to mention some influential categories and/or artists, but since my attention span is around five seconds (thank you, American TV!), what did I want to say? Ah, yes, I will just list them, because 80s are boring now, the 90s are coming back like Kurt Cobain in Guitar Hero 5:
Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture in which they appear unhappier.
Cyndi Lauper
Girls just wanna have multilayered dresses and anklewatches.
I always wanted to have a robot that looked like me. I also want to marry Rupert Everett, but that's a different story...
So, now let's get down to business. In a new recurring column called "What I learned from ...", I will explore - no na net - what I learned from certain experiences, persons, travels, etc. Let's cut to the chase!
What I learned from ... Graz
1) I am not the only person in the world who is was in love with Davey from Roseanne. Great anti-style, plaid shirts, "no future" - attitude, and most importantly: interested in nerdy girls with uncontrollable hair (*cough*)
2) If you tend to be white by nature, if you go to the solarium quite often and bleach your hair, you shall from now on be called choco-vanilla-combi (I was too embarrassed to put any pics here regarding this topic).
3) Drinking wine when the sun is still high up in the sky is socially acceptable if the wine is Styrian.
4) Wearing Docs will never be entirely uncool (thanks to Davey and Darlene)
That's what I do every morning to get started.
5) An animal's fur pattern - and therefore its name - can be easily deduced from fashionlingo. Example: "This animal bares resemblance to my mom's leopard print bathing suit. Answer: Leopard!" OR "This animal looks like the one on your new Puma shoes. Answer: Puma."
(Oh, I'm terribly sorry, but I have to put more Snuggie pics in. It would be an abomination to miss the opportunity)
snuggie-pedophilia parental love
Have a great week everyone! And wear sunscreen!