I'd be an only child, meaning I wouldn't have to share my hip medieval accessories with my sisters and brothers. No, better. I wouldn't even consider wearing a sword to go shopping because my mum would not be a crazy-ass knife collector, but a crazy-ass headbands collector.

I would be the only kid in school whose father wouldn't be afraid of wearing bright and flashy colours for parent's day. My dad would endorse the freedom of combining uncombinable patterns, shades and materials, and therefore I would also develop (after going through a rough period of pubescent embarrassment) into a role model for international fashion anarchists, NY hipsters and/or current indie boybands.

I would master the art of deception, manipulation and intrigue much better than today. Moreso, I'd be able to be ridiculously mean without any regrets. I need help with this because nowadays I even get a bad conscience for growing cress on my sister's new flokati rug.
(btw, the pics are the result of googling "mean" and "chuck bass" or "blair waldorf")
I'd be a super educated and classy Upper East side heiress like Paris Hilton. Also, I would probably know a thing or two about English history. Because I could finally afford cable TV and watch the Tudors properly.
I might even look tolerable provided that the right genes show up in the right places at the right time.