Initially I wanted to post "Top 3 Historical Plagues" and "Top 5 Worst Summer Fashion", but I got so annoyed and scared by the latter, that I decided to write about something positive instead. But before, a little newsflash:
Bachelorette parties are real fun in case you're not the bride. If I should ever get married, I will not allow a party to take place because I fear cold-blooded revenge from my sister (also: I'm Katy "Fucking" Fitch! who the fuck are you?) (also: the girl working at the Diesel store in Vienna totally looks like Effy) (also: this information is irrelevant for most of you because you don't know what the hell I'm actually talking about) (also: go see Skins ASAP in case you want to take part in our Skins-themed party) (also: I'll dress up as Panda Poo).
Bachelorette parties are real fun in case you're not the bride. If I should ever get married, I will not allow a party to take place because I fear cold-blooded revenge from my sister (also: I'm Katy "Fucking" Fitch! who the fuck are you?) (also: the girl working at the Diesel store in Vienna totally looks like Effy) (also: this information is irrelevant for most of you because you don't know what the hell I'm actually talking about) (also: go see Skins ASAP in case you want to take part in our Skins-themed party) (also: I'll dress up as Panda Poo).
I wanted to see Eclipse yesterday to carry out an anthropological experiment involving teenage girls, group hysteria and shameless objectification of Brits. My strictly scientific participant observation couldn't be carried out though. That's why I saw Before Sunrise again, which involves a lot more talking, actual pre-marital sex, and Vienna.
I re-positioned some of my books. This time, I colorschemed them. Like my socks.
There is new advise in the category "How to live": In case you're PMSing, don't go to a place where sweets are expensive. In honor of this very useful recommendation I made a pie chart illustrating why sometimes it's hard to be a woman.

There is clear photo evidence that Amy Macdonald has an evil twin sister:
Mad Men will start its 4th season on Sunday evening. These are some of the things I wish to happen:
1) Don Draper and Joan Holloway hook up. This would be like Christmas and Easter, coffee and cigarrettes, Jack White and Allison Mosshart, Gin and Tonic, me and Johnny, the pope and hypocrisy.
1) Don Draper and Joan Holloway hook up. This would be like Christmas and Easter, coffee and cigarrettes, Jack White and Allison Mosshart, Gin and Tonic, me and Johnny, the pope and hypocrisy.

2) The art department uses Helvetica more often.
3) Bob Dylan gets his album cover designed by Sterling Cooper.
4) Peggy gets equal pay.
5) The African American elevator operator gets a really good job.
6) Sterling Cooper hires Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol has an affair with Sal resulting in happiness and screenprints.
These things probs won't take place soon, but on the other hand who would've thought that the English guy's foot would've gotten lacerated by a lawn-mower in season 3?
This week's Gender Fuck Award for re-wording Florence and the Machine lyrics goes to madmad: "A chick with a dick is better than none".
Here's a very sweet video of a cute baby bear to get your mind off the whole Don & Joan situation:
These things probs won't take place soon, but on the other hand who would've thought that the English guy's foot would've gotten lacerated by a lawn-mower in season 3?
This week's Gender Fuck Award for re-wording Florence and the Machine lyrics goes to madmad: "A chick with a dick is better than none".
Here's a very sweet video of a cute baby bear to get your mind off the whole Don & Joan situation:
7 Kommentare:
Several comments from my side... ;-)
1) I'd like to participate in the Skins Party.
2) I get a Mr. Moneypenny, a Mr. Hendricks AND a Mr. Holloway (but a nice Mr. Holloway, not a jerk Mr. Holloway). ;-)
3) We need to plan Thursday (MAC etc.)
4) You can commit carbizide in a week - after Thursday we both need to do that... :-D
1) who would you like to be at the party?
2) wait a second, miss! you can be the female equivalent of roger, ok? but i'll be the equivalent of don. and that's why male joan will be my secretary. ha!
3) absinth
4) carbizide is good for my beyonce thighs.
1) I don't really know yet.
2) I don't think so, Darling, we've talked about this issue before...
3) Why certainly. My place... ;-)
4) The party is after Thursday, but I think I have enough for several carbizides...
1) i also thought about going as katy. would be the perfect excuse to dress as an english slut in leopard print.
2) only an arm wrestling competition can provide an objective decision in this conflict.
3) :D
4) that's the beauty of the carbizide in comparison to suicide. it can be committed several times.
1) So why don't you go as Katy?
2)Fine by me. ;-)
3) Yes!!!
4)Oh, there's plenty.... ;-)
Those Brits. :-D Nice... :-)
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